Hi there Ward 2 (and beyond!),
This is going to be a bit shorter update than usual (less policy talk, more meeting announcements), but there’s a few things that are going on that I want to make sure y’all hear about.
So let’s get right into it!
Back on 9/25/23 I hosted a neighborhood meeting at the Somernova Dojo for an introduction to a proposal by the owner of the complex for a potential development project. Collin Yip (Rafi Properties) and his team delivered a slideshow summary of the proposal, and then we had several hours of comments and feedback from neighbors. I encourage you to take a look at the recording:
We had a huge crowd in person – well over 100 people – and another 100+ people logging in online. This was my first truly hybrid meeting (and I hope the audio will get better in future iterations) but honestly I was just so pleased to be able to get so many people’s voices heard both in the room and at home. Pass it along to your friends!
If you’d like to see more details about the proposal, you can check out their web site at somernova.community and read their executive summary, neighborhood plan, or review some of the community benefits they’re proposing to provide. It’s a lot to get one’s head around, but I think folks brought some really valid points forward and I look forward to a longer conversation that finds the right path for our neighborhood and our city.
As I said in the 9/25 meeting, the Somernova proposal would require a zoning change before moving forward, and I’ve long committed to involving the community directly in zoning changes. You can even read what I wrote about zoning changes back in 2017 in this blog post https://jtforward2.com/transparency-and-accountability-a-community-driven-zoning-process-for-ward-2/ )
The next meeting to have a conversation about the proposal we saw is this SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28 at 2pm. I’m hosting that at CrossFit Somerville, right in the heart of Union Square behind the Dunkin Donuts at 35 Prospect St, right across the street from the GLX stop.
It’s been a month since we got to see the plan and hear neighbors’ first reactions. Now I’m really hoping to see a lot of you once again as we dive into smaller conversations about some of the big questions. I’ve heard “there’s too much parking” and “we need more housing in it” – so what is the right amount? Is there a right amount? Same with height, green space, artist space, and more. The base zoning as it stands allows certain by-rights development – but this is a chance for us all to think together about whether or not we can do better than that.
This isn’t a meeting for a developer presentation – it’s a chance to chat with neighbors and put our heads together to figure out what we want folks in our neighborhood to live next to for the next 100 years. I have so much confidence in you to come together and have thoughtful conversations about what the right solutions are for our neighborhood. I hope to see you there!
(This is an in-person-only conversation, no hybrid/remote option this time.)
One huge victory to come out of neighborhood meetings and neighbor engagement on development proposals in the neighborhood – similar to the Somernova conversations above – is the creation of the brand-new Martha Perry Lowe Park on Lake Street. It took a multi-year conversation with neighbors and the developer to beyond the standard-zoning approach, but in the end we landed on a project that was taller, had more density, had less (zero!) parking, and provided the neighborhood with much-needed green space in a brand new pocket park.
The ribbon cutting ceremony for this park is at 2:30pm this Monday, October 30, in the park at the rear of 346 Somerville Ave. (I recommend just heading to Lake Street near Hawkins and checking out the park.) I invite you to come out and celebrate! It’s nice to stand in the middle of the fruits of that victory and keep it in mind. Construction is disruptive and change is hard, but it’s all a lot more bearable when the end result is something that makes our neighborhood better both for the people who live here now and those to come in the future.
Tonight at the Argenziano School the Mayor is hosting another in the bi-annual “community meeting” series previously known as “SomerStat”. Snacks and chatting starts at 6pm, and then at 630pm the Mayor and city staff will launch into about 90 minutes of slides and updates about city news, projects, programs, initiatives, etc. I’ll be there with you to hear from City Staff, and of course to chat with you about anything that’s on your mind.
These meetings aren’t the most interactive (though there is limited time for Q&A), but they’re a great way to get started finding out about what’s going on in city departments and what city projects are coming soon. Plus you can bend the ear of any city staff or elected officials that you particularly want to have a chat with, which is nice.
(This is an in-person-only meeting, no hybrid/remote option this time.)
When it comes to neighborhood civic engagement – and making a huge impact on what gets built and what kind of benefits come to our neighborhood as a result – there’s probably no better way to get involved and stay connected than by engaging with the Union Square Neighborhood Council.
They meet on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7pm, and their next meeting is NOVEMBER 6 (available live in person, or on Zoom). I strongly encourage you to check them out at https://sites.google.com/view/usnc or through their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/UnionSquareNeighborhoodCouncil
Speaking of “change is hard”, after 3.5 years of virtual office hours at the same link the URL (and platform) has had to change. They are now on Zoom every Friday morning from 8-9am at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2017405086
Of course, you’re also welcome to come on down to my house at 269 Washington St during that time as well – I love to see my neighbors any old way, but I think it’s even better when y’all can meet each other, too. Oh, and while we’re at it: this year’s election in Somerville is pretty darn sleepy, and I don’t have an opponent. Regardless, I encourage you to stay in the habit of voting – and I hope I continue to earn your support for another 2 years as Ward 2’s rep in City Hall.
Thanks for staying tuned in, and I hope to see y’all soon, whether that’s in one of these meetings or just out trick-or-treating on Springfield Street.
JT Scott, Ward 2 City Councilor
Office Hours Every Friday 8-9am
269 Washington St
857.615.1532 www.jtforward2.com